Finding the asymptotes Find the asymptotes for F(X) = ln(x^2+3). I realise there is no vertical asymptote since X^2= -3. I want to know if the horizontal asymptote exist

Lorena Lester

Lorena Lester

Answered question


Finding the asymptotes
Find the asymptotes for F ( x ) = l n ( x 2 = 3 ). I realise there is no vertical asymptote since X 2 = 3. I want to know if the horizontal asymptote exist

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-15Added 25 answers

No, since lim x ± F ( x ) = .
Inded, if M R and | x | > e M / 2
then F ( x ) = ln ( x 2 + 3 ) > ln ( x 2 ) > ln e M = M

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