Expressing the determinant of a sum of two matrices? Can det(A+B) be

Julia White

Julia White

Answered question


Expressing the determinant of a sum of two matrices?
Can det(A+B)
be expressed in terms of
where A,B are n×n matrices?
I made the edit to allow n to be factored in.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2021-12-20Added 34 answers

When n=2, and suppose A has inverse, you can easily show that
Let me give a general method to find the determinant of the sum of two matrices A,B with A invertible and symmetric (The following result might also apply to the non-symmetric case. I might verify that later...). I am a physicist, so I will use the index notation, Aij and Bij, with i,j=1,2,,n. Let Aij donate the inverse of Aij such that AilAlj=δij=AjlAli. We can use Aij to lower the indices, and its inverse to raise. For example AilBlj=Bji. Here and in the following, the Einstein summation rule is assumed.
Let ϵi1in be the totally antisymmetric tensor, with ϵ1n=1. Define a new tensor ϵi1in=ϵi1in|detA|. We can use Aij to lower the indices of ϵi1in, and define ϵi1in=Ai1j1Ainjnϵj1jn. Then there is a useful property:
where the square brackets [] imply the antisymmetrization of the indices enclosed by them. s is the number of negative elements of Aij after it has been diagonalized.
So now the determinant of A+B can be obtained in the following way


Beginner2021-12-21Added 39 answers

When n2, the answer is no. To illustrate, consider A=In,B1=(1100)0,B2=(1111)0.
If det(A+B)=f(det(A),det(B),n) for some function f, you should get det(A+B1)=f(1,0,n)=det(A+B2). But in fact, det(A+B1)=23=det(A+B2) over any field.


Expert2021-12-28Added 777 answers

There is a proof in the article, but in general:
where r runs over the integers from 0,…,n; then the inner sum runs over all strictly increasing sequences α and β of length r chosen from 1,…,n.
A[α|β] is the r by r square submatrix of A lying in rows α and columns β.
B(α|β) is the (n-r)-square submatrix of B lying in rows complementary to α and columns complementary to β.
s(α) is the sum of the integers in α.

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