To Sketch: The points on three - axis Cartesian coordinate system. Point A: \[\left(-6,\ 2,\ 1\right)\] Point B: \[\left(-6,\ 2,\ 1\right)\] Point C: \[\left(5,\ -3,\ -6\right)\]



Answered question


To Sketch: The points on three - axis Cartesian coordinate system.
Point A: [6 2 1]
Point B: [6 2 1]
Point C: [5 3 6]

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-01-03Added 96 answers

The three axes Cartesian coordinate system point is to be considering in space. A point is lacated from origin by three-dimension x, y and z.
The dimensions x, y and z are perpendicular to eqch other. The value of x given first, then value of y and then value of z.

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