Algebra Word Problem Solutions

Recent questions in Algebra
Algebra IAnswered question
Brooke Richard Brooke Richard 2022-11-16

Find a1 given an = 24, r = 2/3, n = 4

Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
Kaylynn Cook Kaylynn Cook 2022-11-16

What is 2.8 as a fraction?

Algebra IIAnswered question
Mark Rosales Mark Rosales 2022-11-15

Evaluation of polynomial modulo in GF(2)
I'm new to this forum and I have a question about about modular arithmetics. My background is in computational chemistry and I work now as a software developer. For my work I need to learn about cryptography and I'm reading the book "Cryptography Made Simple" by Nigel P. Smart.
In paragraph 1.2 on Finite Fields, the author gives an example of polynomial modulo in F 2 ( x ) / f ( x ) F 2 ( x ) as such:
( 1 + x + x 2 ) ( x + x 3 ) ( mod x 4 + 1 ) = x 2 + 1
However, when I do the evaluation myself I get a different result, which is confirmed by using the PolynomialMod function in Mathematica. I will show the steps I took below. First of all I expand the multiplication and evaluate modulo 2:
x 5 + x 4 + 2 x 3 + x 2 + x ( mod 2 ) = x 5 + x 4 + x 2 + x
x 5 + x 4 + x 2 + x ( mod x 4 + 1 )
x ( x 4 + 1 ) + x 4 + x 2 ( mod x 4 + 1 )
x ( x 4 + 1 ) + ( x 4 + 1 ) + x 2 1 ( mod x 4 + 1 )
Which finally results in:
( x + 1 ) ( x 4 + 1 ) + x 2 1 ( mod x 4 + 1 ) = x 2 1
I put in attachment a screenshot 1 from Mathematica to confirm it matches my result. Initially I thought it was an error in the book, but in a following section the author gives another example:
( x 3 + 1 ) ( x 4 + 1 ) ( mod x 7 + x + 1 ) = x 4 + x 3 + x
Again, evaluating the expression manually I obtain:
( x 3 + 1 ) ( x 4 + 1 ) ( mod x 7 + x + 1 ) = x 4 + x 3 x
Which is confirmed once more by Mathematica, see screenshot 2.
Does anyone know if there is a reason behind the difference in the results? Any help would be much appreciated.

Even as we are dealing with college subjects like Sociology or Data Science, the use of high school Algebra is inevitable. Some of us may still remember the rules, yet it is only natural have something as a reminder.

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