Make a scatterplot for the data.
Height and Weight of Females
Match the values of r with the accompanying scatterplots 0.723,-0.353,0.353,0.998 and -0.998
scatterplots 1,2,3,4,5
Unusual points Each of the four scatterplots that follow shows a cluster of points and one “stray” point. For each, answer these questions:
1) In what way is the point unusual? Does it have high leverage, a large residual, or both?
2) Do you think that point is an influential point?
3) If that point were removed, would the correlation be- come stronger or weaker? Explain.
4) If that point were removed, would the slope of the re- gression line increase or decrease? Explain
Give relations mentioned in the given scatterplots A & B
a. Make a scatterplot for the data in the table below.
Height and Weight of Football Players
b. Which display - the table or the scatter plot - do you think is a more appropriate display of the data? Explain your reasoning.
Make a scatterplot for each set of data. Tell whether the data show a linear association or a nonlinear association.