How to tell whether the value of sin (-45 degrees) is positive, negative, zero or undefined?

Kira Mahoney

Kira Mahoney

Answered question


How to tell whether the value of sin (-45 degrees) is positive, negative, zero or undefined?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-18Added 9 answers

Now that you know how to solve the issue geometrically, you can see that angles between 0° and 180° have a non-negative sine value, while angles between 180° and 360° have a non-positive value. This is because the sine of an angle is the y-coordinate of the point on the unit circle related to that angle. We are in the second situation, where the sine is positive, because an angle of -45° represents the same location as an angle of 360-45=315°. If you wish to view it using the definition, the y-coordinate of the point on the unit circle that is denoted by a -45° angle is ( 2 2 , - 2 2 )

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