Find all non-right angled dissimilar triangles having integer sides and

Dayami Rose

Dayami Rose

Answered question


Find all non-right angled dissimilar triangles having integer sides and integer area simuntaneously. Are there infinitely many such triangle?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-02Added 8 answers

A = ( 0 , 0 ), B = ( n 2 1 , 0 ), C = ( 0 , 2 n ) with n 2
Dayami Rose

Dayami Rose

Beginner2022-07-03Added 4 answers

Say you have a triangle with integer sides and area. Let the origin O be one vertex of your triangle, and place another vertex A at (a,0) (with a positive integer). It will be convenient if none of these are obtuse angles of the triangle, so for the argument's sake, assume OA is the longest side of the triangle.
Any third point B with coordinates (x,y) would yield a triangle OAB with integer area as long as y is an integer (base times height divided by 2) (if a is odd, y needs to be even as well). So we need to figure out what such points yield integer sides AB and OB. We have:
| O B | 2 = x 2 + y 2 | A B | 2 = ( a x ) 2 + y 2 = a 2 + 2 a x + x 2 + y 2

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