Which test? For each of the following situations, statewhether you’d use a chi-square goodness-of-fit test,a chi-square test of homogeneity, a chi-square test ofindependence, or some other statistical test:
a) A brokerage firm wants to see whether the type ofaccount a customer has (Silver, Gold, or Platinum)affects the type of trades that customer makes (in per-son, by phone, or on the Internet). It collects a randomsample of trades made for its customers over the pastyear and performs a test.
b) That brokerage firm also wants to know if the type ofaccount affects the size of the account (in dollars). Itperforms a test to see if the mean size of the account isthe same for the three account types.
c) The academic research office at a large communitycollege wants to see whether the distribution ofcourses chosen (Humanities, Social Science, orScience) is different for its residential and nonresi-dential students. It assembles last semester’s data andperforms a test.