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Recent questions in Algebra I
Algebra IAnswered question
Maribel Mcintyre Maribel Mcintyre 2022-10-26

Find d for the arithmetic series with s17=-170 and a1=2

Algebra IAnswered question
Eliza Gregory Eliza Gregory 2022-10-26

I've got a problem with factorising the denominator of an LTI system. The system is a simple boost converter and my current transfer function is
U O = λ U I I O L s C L s 2 + λ 2 .
I want to solve for the systems poles next and and bring them into time constant representation. I thus use the common approach
C L s 2 + λ 2 = ! 0
which can be solved with the quadratic formula
s = ± 4 C L λ 2 2 C L = ± λ C L T C L j = λ T C L j
and leads to the factorised form
( s + λ T C L j ) ( s λ T C L j ) .
This result is obviously wrong since expanding the term doesn't give the same result and I'm not able to wrap my head around why this is the case.
Factorising the denominator with the third binomial formula gives the correct factors instead
( T C L s + λ j ) ( T C L s λ j )
and these are already in time constant representation, which leads to the fully factorised transfer function in time constant representation
U O = λ U I I O L s λ 2 ( T C L λ s + j ) p ( T C L λ s j ) p .
Where did I mess up the quadratic formula?
My only approach is that the coefficients aren't
a = C L b = 0 c = λ 2
and I'm not solving for s, but that the coefficients are
a = 1 b = 0 c = λ 2
and I'm solving for T C L s with respect to the quadratic equation
( T C L s ) x 2 + λ 2 .
Please give some advice on how to deal with such situations, I'm seriously confused and couldn't find an answer browsing through the material about quadratic equations. Different problems are far to over represented.

Algebra IAnswered question
Josiah Owens Josiah Owens 2022-10-25

Find the slope perpendicular to the line y=10

When you are a high school student or someone already enrolled in college, even those simple research projects will include Algebra 1 equations, which means that getting some help cannot be avoided. Thankfully, you can access Algebra 1 problems and answers free of charge, which will let you see what Algebra 1 practice problems can be used for certain questions. Just remember to check calculations twice as these can easily get complex. The majority of Algebra 1 answers will be familiar to most students dealing with financial concepts as it is not related to advanced Math problems in most scenarios.