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Recent questions in Precalculus
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William Cleghorn William Cleghorn 2022-01-14

Prove tan(sin1t)=t1t2

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Kathleen Rausch Kathleen Rausch 2022-01-14

Limit of sin(x+2)sin(x+4)  as  x

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David Lewis David Lewis 2022-01-14

Verify cos(x)=1t21+t2 with t=tan(x2)

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William Curry William Curry 2022-01-14

Prove cosx+cosy=2cos(x+y2)cos(xy2)

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Shelia Lawrence Shelia Lawrence 2022-01-14

Simplify 11z, given z=cosϑ+isinϑ

Precalculus problems and solutions are hard to find online even though this topic is quite popular among college students majoring in Engineering. Keeping this fact in mind, we decided to provide you with a list of questions and answers that will help you with various precalculus problems. Regardless if it is related to equations or any other problem, these precalculus problems and composite functions examples and solutions below will help you see the logic and compare solutions as you check your original task.