Existence of a non-square integer L such that L is a quadratic residue modulo for all n.
The background of this question is on the sequences in p-adic integers, in which I originally looked into the following problem:
Can a sequence of perfect squares converge to a non-square value under the p-adic metric?
Where the p-adic metric is, as usual, defined as
For , and
Obviously, it is ask for the existence of a function and a non-square number L such that for all ,
Where is an unbounded function and q(n) is coprime to n for all n. Clearly, this is also equivalent to say that the equation
Is soluble for infinitely many n. But we know that if L is a quadratic residue modulo , it is also a quadratic residue modulo . Therefore, the statement resolves to the following proposition:
There is (not) a non-square integer L such that it is a square modulo for every .
Which I know neither is true or not, nor how to start off decently. Though I have not found any of them, and I believe that such L does not exist, i still cannot find out a complete proof. The proposition can indeed be generalized into the following
There is (not) a non-kth power L such that it is congruent to a kth power modulo for all